A world in which LGBT Purge Survivors and CAF Veterans who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ are given the recognition, respect, and support they justly deserve for their service to Canada.
Rainbow Veterans of Canada
Board Of Directors - Conseil d'administration

Diane Pitre

Kathryn Foss

Todd Ross

LCol Steven P. Deschamps CD (RETD)

"Recognition, Respect, and Support"

Patti Gray
The Path We Have Followed
What Is The Purge?
The LGBT Purge was one of the longest and most harmful campaigns of discrimination conducted by the Canadian government against the LGBT community. Learn More
Class Action Launched
In 2016, survivors of the LGBT Purge launched a nationwide class-action lawsuit against the Canadian government. The three representatives were Todd Ross, Martine Roy, and Alida Satalic. Learn More
Official Apology
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a historic apology to LGBT Canadians in the House of Commons, saying sorry for the decades of “state-sponsored, systematic oppression and rejection.” Learn More
The Fruit Machine
This award-winning documentary directed by Sarah Fodey, takes a searing look at one of the darkest chapters of Canada’s history when a deliberate and insidious purge campaign was waged against the Canadian LGBT Community. Learn More
Class Action Suit Settlement
In June 2018, the Federal Court approved the Final Settlement Agreement (FSA) in the class-action lawsuit launched against the Government of Canadian on behalf of the CAF members who were discriminated against. Learn More
Who We Are
Historically, 2SLGBTQ+ members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and the Federal Public Service were systemically discriminated against, harassed, and often fired as a matter of policy and sanctioned practice. Learn More
What We Stand For
Vision Statement:
A world in which LGBT Purge Survivors and CAF veterans who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ are given the recognition, respect, and support they justly deserve for their service to Canada
Mission Statement:
Provide a supportive and safe space for CAF veterans impacted by the LGBT Purge along with other CAF veterans who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, whilst educating and advocating for the rights, benefits, and recognition our members deserve.
Values and Guiding Principles:
RVC is committed to operating in an inclusive and supportive way in which we:
- Practice compassion, and honesty while acknowledging the need for both individual and collective well-being
- Recognize and value equally our diverse voices
- Respect each other’s lived experiences, embrace comradery and offer support in times of need, and ensure the harsh lessons learned from the LGBT Purge are never forgotten
CAF Veteran LGBT Purge Survivors
The Rainbow Veterans of Canada (RVC) is a not-for-profit organization that was incorporated in 2019. Our mission is to provide a supportive and safe space for CAF veterans impacted by the LGBT Purge along with other CAF veterans who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, whilst educating and advocating for the rights, benefits, and recognition our members deserve.
Government of Canada unveils the Canada Pride Citation
The Canada Pride Citation was created by a design committee of class members, class legal counsel, federal government representatives, and the Canadian Heraldic Authority. The Citation unveiled today includes an insignia featuring a central maple leaf between eight chevrons in the pride colours and a lapel pin featuring a central maple leaf surrounded by a border in the eight pride colours. Leave More
Quote From: Privy Council Office